Author Call for Papers
Call for Papers
The CICTP 2022, to be held on July 8-11, 2022, in Changsha, China, is jointly organized by Central South University and COTA. As the hosts and organizers of CICTP 2022, Central South University and COTA are pleased to invite submissions of papers presenting original research and innovative practice in the field of transportation.
CICTP 2022 will focus on Intelligent, Green, and Connected transportation, and address challenges and opportunities related to 1) the development and deployment of new technologies, 2) new transportation reality in a world after the COVID-19 pandemic, and 3) green and sustainable mobility.
The conference will host a series of technical sessions, plenary sessions, and special forums, including the World Bank Forum, the Dean’s Forum, and COTA Career Development Forum for Young Scholars and Students and Transportation Studies Forum for International Students in China.
The best-paper awards will be granted to authors of meritorious paper judged by an award committee constituted by world-renowned experts. Professional awards will also be presented to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the development of transportation systems in China during the conference.
We welcome original contributions in all fields of transportation, and particularly the following:
- Advanced Transportation Information and Control Engineering
- Impact of COVID-19 on Travel Behavior and Transportation Systems
- Transportation Infrastructure Engineering
- Vehicle Operation Engineering and Management
- Transportation Planning and Policy
- Transportation Behavior and Safety
- Sustainable Transportation Systems and Modern Logistics
- Rail Transportation
Abstract Submission
The online abstract submission opens at the website ( The abstract, no more than 300 words, must be written in English and should include the paper title, names of authors and their affiliations, as well as no more than five keywords.
Important Dates
- Abstract Submission Deadline
- Abstract Acceptance Notification
- Full Paper Submission Deadline
- Full Paper Acceptance Notification
- Revised Paper Submission Deadline
- Conference Date
- September 5, 2021
- September 15, 2021
- October 15, 2021
- December 10, 2021
- January 5, 2022
- July 8-11, 2022
Proceedings and Publications
The CICTP 2022 proceedings will be published and also submitted for EI Compendex by ASCE. Selected papers will be invited to submit to high-profile journals including:
- Accident Analysis & Prevention
- Transportation Safety & Environment
Conference Chairs:
- Dr. Hongqi Tian ( , CSU President; Professor, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Central South University, China
- Dr. Xiaokun Wang (, COTA President; Associate Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA
Organizing Committee Chairs:
- Dr. Guangjun Gao (, Professor, Central South University, China
- Dr. Zhijun He (, Professor, Central South University, China
- Dr. Helai Huang (, Professor, Central South University, China
- Dr. Yinggui Zhang (, Associate Professor, Central South University, China
- Dr. Shanjiang Zhu (, Associate Professor, George Mason University, USA
- Dr. Junfeng Jiao (, Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin, USA
- Dr. Wei Fan (, Professor, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Conference Sponsors
- Transportation and Development Institute of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), USA
- Transportation Research Board (TRB), USA