COTA-Europe BOD Election Result - From COTA-Europe President, Dr. Ke Han

With pleasure, I am announcing the final COTA-Europe election result. After the public voting and internal consultation, we have reached the following assignment of positions:
- President: Han, Ke, (Imperial College London, United Kingdom)
- Vice President: Wang, Meng, (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands)
- Secretary: Liu, Qing, (Hamburg University, Germany)
Our mission is to serve, expand and promote COTA-Europe, and align our activities with the vision of COTA. The BOD will come up with a detailed plan to achieve these goals. But before that, allow me to start by congratulating the newly elected BOD members and offering my thanks to Ning Wu, Yu Zhang and other COTA officials for their kind support and coordination. I very much look forward to working with you alongside our colleagues around the globe!
Ke Han, Ph.D.,
COTA-Europe President
Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Transport
Center for Transport Studies
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Imperial College London
Email: k.han@imperial.ac.uk
Re-election of 2016 COTA Europe Board of Directors
Four years ago, the Chines Oversees Transportation Association (COTA) has set up a preliminary Europe Chapter. Now the Board of Directors (BOD) of the COTA Europe is seeking highly-qualified candidates for the re-election of the three (3) COTA Europe Board of Directors:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Han Ke, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
- Wang Meng, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
- Liu Qing, Hamburg University, Germany
- Shang Wenlong, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
The election will be held between June 10 and June 30, 2016 at the Doodle Voting Website http://doodle.com/poll/nnhcn4pegt97eftk. The election is open and secret.
Any Chinese transportation professional or student living in Europe is eligible for voting the Cota Europe BOD members. Any participant has up to three (3) votes by the election.
Please give the name, position, affiliation, country and email address to identify the voter’s eligibility. For example: Ning WU, Professor, Ruhr University Bochum, Germany, ning.wu@rub.de.
For questions regarding the election, please contact the Election Committee.
Ning Wu (ning.wu@rub.de), Ronghui Liu (R.Liu@its.leeds.ac.uk), and Xiaoliang Ma (xiaoliang.ma@abe.kth.se)
Election Committee of 2016
COTA Europe
Call for Voting Re-election of 2016 COTA Europe Board of Directors
Four years ago, the Chines Oversees Transportation Association (COTA) has set up a preliminary Europe Chapter. Now the Board of Directors (BOD) of the COTA Europe is seeking highly-qualified candidates for the re-election of the three (3) COTA Europe Board of Directors:
- President
- Vice President
- Secretary
- Ning Wu: ning.wu@rub.de
- Ronghui Liu: R.Liu@its.leeds.ac.uk
- Xiaoliang Ma: xiaoliang.ma@abe.kth.se
The deadline for nomination is Friday, June 1, 2016.
Each nominee must obtain endorsements from at least one current COTA BOD Member (http://cota-home.org/Organization_Board_Officers.html) or COTA Europe BOD Member (see above). Each nominee must submit a written statement (no more than 1 page) stating his or her qualifications and envisioned commitment for the position.
The nominee will be informed if he or she is eligible and becomes a candidate for the election by June 5, 2016. The election will be held via emails between June 10, 2016 and July 5, 2016.
For questions regarding the nomination or election, please contact the Election Committee.
Ning Wu, Ronghui Liu, and Xiaoliang Ma
Election Committee of 2016
COTA Europe
COTA Europe Chanpter Board of Directors

Ning Wu, Ph.D., Professor
Institute for Traffic Engeneering,Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
Email: ning.wu@rub.de
URL: http://homepage.rub.de/ning.wu/

Vice President
Dr. Dr Ronghui Liu, Assitant Professor
Institute for Transport Studies (ITS),University of Leeds, UK
Email: R.Liu@its.leeds.ac.uk

Vice President and Secretory
Dr. Xiaoliang Ma, Assistant Professor
Division of Transport Planning, Economics and Engineering,KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Email: liang@kth.se
Launch of COTA Europe Chapter

The golden summer in Stockholm witnessed the launch of the Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA) - Europe on June 29, 2011.
It was the sixth International Symposium on Highway Capacity and Quality of Services (ISHC 2011) that gathered Yinhai Wang (President of COTA), Ning Wu (Germany), Ronghui Liu (UK), Qi Yang (Caliper), Jian Rong (BJUT) , Zong Tian (US), Scott Washburn (US) and Xiaoliang Ma (Sweden) in a joint dinner meeting. The meeting led to the formal establishment of COTA-Europe with an initial leadership group, which is currently composed of the following officers. Ning Wu, Professor at Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, serves as the president of COTA-Europe. Ronghui Liu, Associate professor at the University of Leeds, UK, serves as the vice president of COTA-Europe. Xiaoliang Ma, Assistant Professor at the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, serves as the secretary of COTA-Europe. Yinhai Wang, the President of COTA, decided to announce the exciting news to all COTA members and other Chinese colleagues.
The first COTA-Europe President, Ning Wu has delivered his first speech to all COTA members and friends, which is as quoted as follows.
It is our great opportunity today being gathering here in Stockholm to launch the European branch of the COTA, namely, COTA-Europe . As a long time member of the COTA, I am very honored to be appointed as the first president of the COTA-Europe. Working together with the new vice president, Dr. LIU Ronghui and the new sectary, Dr. MA Xiaoliang, we are committed to following the best tradition of COTA while developing our organization in Europe for strengthening the links between China and the overseas Chinese people, in particular the Chinese transportation professionals in Europe, as well as among those professionals themselves. Our mission is challenging but also promising. The first duty of our new team is to promote the mission of COTA and acquire new members among the Chinese transportation professionals in Europe. With the support of the COTA, , I am very confident that the new team will fully comply with its duty.
---- Ning Wu, President of COTA-Europe