Members & Service
2022 COTA BOD Election - Result
The 2022 COTA BOD Election results are as follows:
COTA BOD Regular Member:
Candidate Name | Percent | Rank |
Dr. Guohui Zhang | 24.3% | 1 |
Dr. Cong Chen | 24.0% | 2 |
Dr. Lijun Sun | 13.4% | 3 |
Dr. Haizhong Wang | 12.9% | 4 |
Dr. Chenghui Xiong | 12.8% | 5 |
Dr. Heng Wei | 12.6% | 6 |
COTA BOD Student Member: Mr. Shuyi Yin (100%)
Based on the above result, Dr. Guohui Zhang, Dr. Cong Chen, Dr. Lijun Sun and Dr. Haizhong Wang are elected as the new BOD member; Mr. Shuyi Yin is elected as the new BOD student member. Their two-year term will begin on January 9, 2022 during the TRB Annual Meeting.
Please join us in congratulating Dr. Zhang, Dr. Chen, Dr. Sun, Dr. Wang and Mr. Yin. We wish their further success in their future endeavors during their service on the COTA BOD.
We also thank Dr. Chenghui Xiong and Dr. Heng Wei for their strong enthusiasm and willingness to provide service to COTA. We wish them all the best and continue to support COTA in the future.
Finally, special gratitude goes to all COTA members who have casted their ballots under their busy schedules.
The 2022 BOD Election Committee
Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA)
2022 COTA BOD Election - Rules
Dear COTA Members:
This web page is dedicated to the 2022 COTA BOD Election.
Election Period: Wednesday, November 17, 2021, – Saturday, December 4, 2021, 11:59PM (worldwide (12:00AM (UTC - 12)) )
Note: Saturday, December 4, 2021, 11:59PM (worldwide (12:00AM (UTC - 12)) ) equals to
Saturday, December 5, 2021, 6:59AM EST
Sunday, December 5, 2021, 7:59 PM Beijing Time
Election Results Announcement: Tuesday, December 14, 2021
On-line Election (E-Voting):
The on-line E-Voting system ensures the privacy of each voter (e.g., nobody, including the election administrator, will be able to view the voting results and the voter status while the election is still open, and the E-Voting system does not record any information on who voted for whom). For additional information regarding the privacy issues of the on-line E-Voting system, please check the
Privacy Statement
and Voter FAQs at the E-Voting hosting website.
Voting Guidance:
1. Only active COTA members who have registered and paid the 2021 COTA membership dues by October 1, 2021 are eligible for voting, and will receive a notice.
2. Each voter will receive an email notification directly from the E-Voting system with the on-line voting web link as the election begins. Please remember to check that notification in your inbox and/or junk mailbox. Please click the web link to be provided in the notification e-mail, and cast your ballot by following the instructions on the voting page.
3. For BOD member election, each voter SHALL elect exactly FOUR out of seven enlisted candidates; otherwise, your vote would be invalid and would NOT be counted. Please read through the instructions very carefully before casting your vote.
4. For Chair of Student Affairs election, each voter SHALL elect ONE out of one enlisted candidates or abstain; Please read through the instructions very carefully before casting your vote.
5. Please be aware of the fact that the E-Voting system allows you to vote only once. Once your ballot is submitted, no modification is permitted.
6. For any questions regarding the on-line E-Voting system, please feel free to contact the election administrator via e-mail at COTA.election@gmail.com.
Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA)
2022 COTA BOD Member Election - Candidates
COTA has four regular BOD member vacancies to fill in. We have the following six eligible applicants:
Candidate Name | Current Position | Current Affiliate | Endorsement |
Dr. Cong Chen | Research Associate | University of South Florida |
Dr. Xiaokun (Cara) Wang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (BOD) Dr. Yinhai Wang, University of Washington (MEM) Dr. Xiaopeng Li, University of South Florida (MEM) |
Dr. Lijun Sun | Assistent Professor | McGill University |
Dr. Xiaokun Wang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (BOD) Dr. Dr. Sean Qian, Carnegie Melon University (BOD) Dr. Yang Liu, National University of Singapore (BOD) |
Dr. Haizhong Wang | Associate Professor | Oregon State University |
Dr. Yafeng Yin, Professor, University of Michigan Ann Arbor (MEM) Dr. Yang Liu, Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore (BOD) Dr. Junfeng Jiao, Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin (BOD) |
Dr. Heng Wei | Professor | University of Cincinnati |
Dr. Yinhai Wang, The University of Washington (MEM) Dr. Shanjiang Zhu, George Mason University (BOD) Dr. Zhen (Sean) Qian, Carnegie Mellon University (BOD) Dr. Ping Yi, The University of Akron (MEM); Mr. Jason Wang, Appalachian Regional Commission (MEM). |
Dr. Chenfeng Xiong | Associate Research Professor | University of Maryland |
Dr. Xiaokun (Cara) Wang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (BOD) Dr. Lei Zhang, Professor at the University of Maryland (BOD) Dr. Shanjiang Zhu, George Mason University (BOD) Dr. Sean Qian, Carnegie Melon University (BOD) |
Dr. Guohui Zhang | Associate Professor | University of Hawaii |
Dr. Yafeng Yin, University of Michigan (MEM) Dr. Shanjiang Zhu, George Mason University (BOD) Dr. Sean Qian, Carnegie Melon University (BOD) |
(BOD) - Current COTA Board Member (2021)
(MEM) - Current COTA Member (2021)
COTA BOD Candidate - Dr. Cong Chen, Ph.D., P.E., RSP1

Dr. Cong Chen

Dr. Cong Chen, Ph.D., P.E., RSP1
Research Associate
Center for Urban Transportation Research
University of South Florida
Tel: 813-974-2344
Email: congchen1@usf.edu
Website: https://www.cutr.usf.edu/programs/its-traffic-operations-safety/name/cong-chen/
Qualification/Background Information
Dr. Cong Chen is a Research Associate at the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) at the
University of South Florida, and he is also the Manager of Florida Local Technical Assistance Program
(LTAP). He obtained his Ph.D. degree in transportation engineering at the University of New Mexico in
2015, and B.S. and M.S. degrees from Tongji University, China. His primary areas of research interests
include traffic safety analysis, advanced model development, pedestrian and bicycle safety, safety
education and outreach, traffic congestion and operation efficiency, transportation geospatial and
temporal analysis, and intelligent transportation systems. He has been extensively involved in research
activities sponsored with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Federal Railway Administration
(FRA), the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO), the National
Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP), Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), and
other federal and local agencies, and is currently supervising research projects and grants as PI or Co-PI
for a total budget of more than 2 million. He has published 30 academic papers at top-tier peer-
reviewed transportation journals, and has delivered 35 data-driven research presentations at national
and international conferences.
Dr. Chen currently serves as a Member of Transportation Research Board (TRB) Standing Committee on
Safety Performance Analysis (ACS20) and Standing Committee on Bicycle Transportation (ACH20), a
Panel Member of the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) project 17-71A
Proposed AASHTO Highway Safety Manual, 2nd Edition, and an Associate Member of the American
Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Transportation & Development Institute (T&DI) Transportation Safety
Committee. He also served as the Younger Member Representative at the ASCE T&DI Board of
Governors, and the Chair of ASCE T&DI Committee on Younger Members in 2019-2021. He served in the
Steering Committee for ASCE’s flagship transportation conference, International Conference on
Transportation and Development 2019 (ICTD 2019) and ICTD 2020. Dr. Chen was selected as the 2019
Tampa Bay Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Young Transportation Professional of the Year. He
is a registered professional Engineer (PE) in the State of Florida, and a certified Road Safety Professional-
Level 1 (RSP1).
Dr. Chen started his involvement with the Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA) as a
student back in 2013, and he has been an active contributor and/or participant on a variety of COTA
activities since then. He has been serving as an active reviewer for the annual CICTP conference series
since 2015, an area editor for CICTP2017, CICTP2018 and ISETT 2019 sponsored by COTA, an organizing
committee member for the COTA 22 nd Winter Symposium at TRB 2019 and the host of Younger
Professional Lightning Talk Session. His experience and activities contributed to COTA’s steady growth
and transitions to a more professional non-profit organization bridging the transportation community in
China and other parts of the world.
Envisioned Commitments/Proposed Activities
My involvement with a variety of COTA activities in the past eight years has brought me comprehensive
understanding of the vision and missions of COTA as a non-profit international organization connecting
the transportation community overseas and in China. I truly enjoyed the opportunities and experience
of working with brilliant people on these COTA events and contributing to the success and growth of
COTA community. As a highly self-motivated junior transportation professional, I am very enthusiastic in
continuing contributing to the growth of COTA to the next level with the best of my ability. With my rich
professional service experience on COTA and other professional organizations, I would like to nominate
myself to be a candidate for the 2022 COTA Board of Directors (BOD) election. I am confident that I will
be an asset and add insights to the BOD. My envisioned commitment to the BOD, if I am re-elected, will
include, but not limited, to the following:
- To contribute to the continued development of COTA Academic Affairs, Communications, or Outreach Committee, or another position on the Board as seen fit by the Election Committee;
- To lead the organizing effort and/or provide all necessary support to COTA hosted or sponsored events;
- To serve as a liaison in enhancing the collaboration between COTA and other professional organizations/publishers and exploring new partnership opportunities;
- To strengthen the existing relationship and establish new relationship with federal, state, and local stakeholders, academic institutions, and industry partners to expand COTA’s reputation in transportation community.
Dr. Xiaokun (Cara) Wang, Associate Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (President, BOD);
Dr. Yinhai Wang, Professor, University of Washington (Member);
Dr. Xiaopeng Li, Associate Professor, University of South Florida (Member).
COTA BOD Candidate - Dr. Lijun Sun, Ph.D

Dr. Lijun Sun

Dr. Lijun Sun, Ph.D
Assistent Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
McGill University
Tel: 514-398-2198
Email: lijun.sun@mcgill.ca
Website: http://smart.lab.mcgill.ca/
Qualification/Background Information
Dr. Lijun Sun is an Assistant Professor with the Department of Civil Engineering, McGill University. He obtained his PhD degree in Civil Engineering (Transportation) from National University of Singapore in 2015, and received his Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering from Tsinghua University in 2011. Prior to joining McGill, he was a Postdoctoral Associate at MIT Media Lab during 2015-2017 and a Senior Researcher at Singapore-ETH Center in 2015. His research focuses on intelligent transportation systems and urban computing, developing innovative methodologies, tools and applications to address the efficiency, resilience, and sustainability issues in urban transportation systems. He is now leading the Smart Transportation Lab at McGill, and his current research program centers on (1) developing new spatiotemporal modeling techniques and solutions for large-scale, high-dimensional, incomplete, and heterogeneous mobility and traffic data, and (2) developing advanced reinforcement learning techniques to control and manage complex traffic systems. His research has been published in top-tier journals in transportation science and technology (e.g., Transportation Research Part A/B/C/E, and IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems), interdisciplinary journals (e.g., Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Science Advances, and Journal of the Royal Society Interface), and top conference venues and journals in machine learning and artificial intelligence (e.g., AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence [AAAI], International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence [IJCAI], and IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence [T-PAMI]).
He is named as Chan Wui & Yunyin Rising Star Fellow in Transportation in 2019. Dr. Sun’s research has been supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada, the Fonds de recherche du Québec – Nature et technologies (FRQNT), Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI), and the Institut de Valorisation des Données (IVADO). Currently, he serves as Associate Editors for Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Journal of Advanced Transportation, and Frontiers in Built Environment (for Transportation and Transit Systems), and he also serves as Senior Program Committee Member for the Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-22).
Envisioned Commitments/Proposed Activities
The first COTA event I attended was the ICCTP conference in Beijing in 2010, when I was a final year undergraduate student. Since then, I have constantly been benefiting from various events held by COTA, including the signature CICTP conferences, TRB winter symposiums, and online webinars. By joining the BOD, I hope I can contribute to COTA to continue offering opportunities for academic exchange and social interactions to Chinese transportation professionals.
I will serve at my best capacity to COTA members and Chinese transportation professionals. Specifically, I will:
- work closely with other BOD members and COTA chair to organize COTA events, in particular addressing the difficulties we have encountered during the global pandemic.
- enhance COTA’s role in sharing career opportunities and career advice.
- take this opportunity to encourage special interest research groups (e.g., shared mobility, climate change, CAV, machine learning) and promote international collaborations.
Dr. Xiaokun (Cara) Wang, Associate Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (President, BOD);
Dr. Sean Qian, Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon University (BOD);
Dr. Yang Liu, Assistent Professor, National University of Singapore (BOD).
COTA BOD Candidate - Dr. Haizhong Wang, Ph. D.

Dr. Haizhong Wang

Dr. Haizhong Wang, Ph. D.
Associate Professor
School of Civil & Construction Engineering
Oregon State University
Tel: 541-737-8538
Fax: 541-737-3052
Email: Haizhong.Wang@oregonstate.edu
Website: https://cce.oregonstate.edu/wang
Qualification/Background Information
Dr. Haizhong Wang is an Associate Professor of Transportation Engineering within the School of Civil and Construction Engineering at Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. Dr. Wang’s research focuses on theoretical and experimental methods for (1) interdisciplinary community and infrastructure resilience using computational agent-based modeling and simulation methods by coupling the human, infrastructure, and natural systems together to promote life safety and infrastructure resilience; (2) mobility and safety analysis in a mixed traffic flow environment with emerging connected and automated vehicles (CAV) technologies using percolation theory; and (3) critical resilient interdependent lifeline infrastructure systems analysis using complex network theory. Dr. Wang has published over 100 peer-reviewed journal, conference papers, and technical reports and has also presented at national and international conferences.
COTA Involvement and Contribution
Dr. Wang served on Chinese Oversea Transportation Associations board of directors from 2013 to 2019 on multiple roles. He started his COTA involvement as a student back to 2004. Over the past 17 years, he has been an active contributing member in the COTA communities as a conference participant, COTA student board member (2008), area editors for the annual CICTP conference series, organizing committee chair/members for COTA winter symposiums at TRB, co-chair of the organizing committee for CICTP2017 at Tongji University, leading the paper review, publication, and EI indexing submission for COTA’s newly initiated International Symposium for Emerging Transportation Technologies (ISETT) in 2018 and 2019, he is currently the publication committee co-chair for the CICTP2020 which will be held on July 4-6, 2020 in Xi’an, China. He experienced and actively contributed to COTA’s steady growth and transitions to a more professional non-profit organization bridging the transportation community in China and the different other parts of the world.
Envisioned Commitments/Proposed Activities
Building on the collective successes of the past and current COTA leaders, he would like to further challenge himself to participate this election to continue to serve the COTA community and work closely with the new COTA BODs to continue to build an inclusive, transparent, and welcoming COTA community and family. With COTA’s stable growth over the past years, there are emerging questions/challenges facing COTA community in this rapidly-changing era including but not limited to (1) How COTA is serving the community and how the community hopes COTA to serve them; (2) Why COTA’s conferences and activities are unique given many other different transportation conferences/events; (3) How to effectively and efficiently communicate and interact with COTA community, members, institutions, industry and government partners; and (4) How to create a sustainable funding stream to address the questions above and many others from members in general.
To this end, it is my firm conviction to continue my service on the BOD with the existing and new BOD members to address the questions/challenges listed above to advance the collective successes under the new COTA leadership. I therefore decide to take this opportunity to nominate myself and fully dedicate myself to COTA members and community. I would also be a listener to the COTA community to hear their voices and potentially constructive criticisms to help create a better COTA community for all. I have developed a greater resilience and adaptive capacity to cope with and incorporate and implement innovative ideas to continue to promote COTA’s success and growth. Your help and strong support are highly appreciated and valued!!
Dr. Yafeng Yin, Professor, University of Michigan Ann Arbor (Member and Past COTA President)
Dr. Yang Liu, Assistant Professor, National University of Singapore (BOD);
Dr. Junfeng Jiao, Associate Professor, University of Texas at Austin (BOD);
COTA BOD Candidate - Dr. Heng Wei, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE

Dr. Heng Wei

Dr. Heng Wei, Ph.D., P.E., F.ASCE
Professor and Director
Civil Engineering Program Founding Director
Advanced Research in Transportation Engineering & Systems (ART-Engines) Laboratory
Department of Civil & Architectural Engineering & Construction Management
The University of Cincinnati
Tel: 513-556-3781
Email: heng.wei@uc.edu
Website: https://homepages.uc.edu/~weihg/
Qualification/Background Information
Dr. Heng Wei is a Professor and Civil Engineering Program Director, and the founding director of the ART-Engines Lab at The University of Cincinnati (UC). Dr. Wei has extensive research expertise and industrial experience in intelligent transportation systems (ITS), connected and automated vehicle (CAV) impacts, infrastructure-CAV nexus in cooperative traffic control systems, and artificial intelligent (AI)-based Informatics and geographic information system (GIS) in smart-city-oriented travel demand and environmental analytics. He has secured a great number of research grants or projects from Ohio DOT, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), National Science Foundation (NSF), US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), USDOT University Transportation Centers (UTCs), and industrial sector. His research has resulted in more than 210 peer-reviewed and referred papers, and 12 book or chapters (including 5 ASCE-published international conference proceedings). On behalf of ASCE T&DI CAV Impacts Committee, he is currently leading the effort in editing a guidance-type book “Disruptive Emerging Transportation Technologies,” which will be published by ASCE. Of seven international conference proceedings where he has served as one of Lead Editors, five proceedings have been published by ASCE, including the proceedings of the 10th, 12th, 20th (two books) and 21st COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP), as well as one published by Elsevier (CICTP 2013). Currently, he is serving as the Proceedings Editor for ASCE International Conference on Transportation & Development, May 31 – June 3, 2022 in Seattle, Washington.
Dr. Wei is an active, renowned participant and contributor to COTA community. He has served on the COTA Board of Directors (BOD) since he was first elected in January 2008. Later, he was elected as the President of COTA in January 2012. During his service on BOD and two-year presidency (01/2012–01/2014), he has successfully organized and chaired a number of international conferences, workshops, and symposiums. The success of those scholarly activities has greatly raised the international reputation and influence of COTA in the transportation field. He initialized several special events that have since become spotlights of the conference, typically including COTA-World Bank China Transport Forum and COTA Education Workshop. Those programs have greatly promoted the CICTP to become a series of the internationally recognized and respected events, and the CICTP series have successfully attracted a great number of prestigious international scholars and experts to the conference.
Dr. Wei has served as the Conference Chair for the CICTP in both 2012 and 2013 and Co-chair for CICTP 2021, Chair of the Organizing and Executive committee for the ICCTP 2010 and 2020, Chair of the Academic Committee for the ICCTP 2011, and Chair of the Advisory Committee for the CICTP in 2014. Moreover, he has worked with TRB ABE90 committee in 2013 to successfully establish the ABE90-COTA China Conference Planning Subcommittee ABE90(3), which had well promoted the COTA Winder Symposiums during previous TRB Annual Meetings, especially for the period of January 2012 through January 2014. Currently, Dr. Wei is serving as the COTA treasurer. He has effectively managed the COTA BOD bank account and provided timely assistances to the BOD for all major COTA
events and services for filing tax return. More notably, he is working hard in coordinating the Executive Committee for organizing the CICTP 2021 amid the COVID-19 crisis.
Envisioned Commitments/Proposed Activities
While COTA has experienced a stable development and growth in the past few years, we have raised awareness of some challenges that we are facing ahead to keep COTA actively sustainable. With the new blood to be instilled into the COTA BOD, it is a high time to create a new momentum to re-motivate ourselves for moving COTA forward towards a higher level with substantially enhanced integrity. Currently, COTA is facing many critical issues in improving and implementing COTA ByLaws. To that end, as a Lifetime COTA member, I am willing to continue my endeavor to be working together with other BOD members to solidify the organization under the leadership of the next new president. My term on the COTA BOD will end in next January. I therefore decide to nominate myself as a candidate running for the BOD membership again. My envisioned commitment includes, but not limited to, the following aspects.
- I will help improve COTA ByLaws and establish effective implementation procedure and mechanism to make COTA community grow in a healthy, fairly and integral manner.
- I will dedicate myself to enhancing productive communications among COTA members, boosting effective collaborations between COTA and other transportation organizations such as ASCE and TRB, and enhancing China-America exchange in transportation technologies and systems.
- I will actively support other young BOD members to well execute their positions.
- I will continually support and assist organizing major COTA events, and help significantly solidify COTA into a growing, stronger professional organization by more actively involving in various chapters of COTA.
Overall, I would like to be working together with other BOD members to make every effort to achieve the missions of COTA at a higher level. I am fully confident of being ready to continually make my commitment to continuously serve on the COTA BOD. I would also be eager and happy to assist implementing any creative ideas that you may have. I have developed a greater tolerance and capability to cope with and incorporate diversely new ideas for continuing COTA’s success and growth. I can be reached via voice 513-602-4346 or email heng.wei@uc.edu for any suggestions or thoughts.
Your strong support is highly appreciated!
Dr. Yinhai Wang, Professor, University of Washington (Member and Past COTA President);
Dr. Shanjiang Zhu, Associate Professor, George Mason University (BOD);
Dr. Zhen (Sean) Qian, Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon University (BOD);
Dr. Ping Yi, Professor, The University of Akron (Member and Past COTA President);
Mr. Jason Wang, Senior Transportation Specialist, Appalachian Regional Commission (Member and Past COTA President).
COTA BOD Candidate - Dr. Chenfeng Xiong

Dr. Chenfeng Xiong

Dr. Chenfeng Xiong
Associate Research Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
The University of Maryland
Tel: (301) 405-9430
Email: cxiong@umd.edu
Website: http://civil.umd.edu/~cxiong
Qualification/Background Information
Dr. Chenfeng Xiong is an Associate Research Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Maryland, College Park, and an Associate Professor in the Shock Trauma and Anesthesiology Research (STAR) Center in the School of Medicine at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. He holds an MA degree in Economics and a Ph.D. degree in Transportation Engineering from the University of Maryland. Dr. Xiong’s research is focused on travel behavior modeling, transportation systems analysis, modeling and simulation, and its applications in smart mobility and health. He has published over 50 peer-reviewed journal articles on these topics. Dr. Xiong is a recipient of 2019 Outstanding Young Researcher Award of International Association of Public Transport (UITP), Young Initiatives Award of World Conference on Transportation Research Society (WCTRS), and several best paper awards from international conferences.
COTA Involvement and Contribution
Since late 2009 when Dr. Xiong just began his Ph.D. study at the University of Maryland, he became an active member of COTA. Since then, he has actively involved and served the COTA community in various situations and events. Dr. Xiong has been a long-time active volunteer and organizer for COTA winter symposium series, COTA summer conferences (CICTP series), as well as COTA International Symposiums on Emerging Transportation Technology (ISETT series). Events that he got heavily involved include organizing presentations and sessions, paper reviewing and editing services, conference registrations, creating/shipping proceeding materials/CDs, and supporting a number of COTA events during the annual Transportation Research Board (TRB) meetings held in Washington D.C.
Envisioned Commitments/Proposed Activities
I am excited and enthusiastic to nominate myself to serve on the next COTA Board of Directors (BOD). It will be my honor if I am elected and able to serve the broader COTA community on the BOD with other board members together. I have been standing with COTA for the past twelve years, learning and growing with COTA together. I realized previously I mostly benefited from COTA, from its various conference technical sessions, in-person meetings, virtual seminars during the unprecedented pandemic, and different types of social and networking events. Now it is the right time for me to stand up to the front with my full commitment to serve the community and promote COTA’s further development and growth with my dedication and creativity.
Through my over-a-decade-long relationship with COTA, I had the opportunity to observe my friends and colleagues, especially my references listed below, work closely and build COTA into a major venue for academic exchanges and peer interactions among Chinese transportation professionals. I observed COTA has embraced emerging communication channels from mailinglist/websites to mobile portals, and to real-time virtual conferencing. Timely information exchange is golden and invaluable to this community. If I were elected, I would first dedicate myself to work with others, such as the communication officer on the board, to maintain our communication channels well, including our COTA websites, newsletters, and social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, WeChat, etc. These social media channels could play a key role in COTA outreach and community engagement. COTA can be just a few taps on their fingertips away from a much wider range of members, if COTA does have a well-maintained and frequently updated social media home. This experience and vision is brought from my service to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee of my department and certainly will be shared, discussed, and prioritized with the BOD. Of course, if elected, I am fully committed and will dedicate necessary time and energy to serve with my best capability. I will work with COTA chair and other board of directors members on its routine BOD operations, and to organize and promote various COTA activities. I very much look forward to making my contribution to COTA.
Dr. Cara Wang, Associate Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (President and BOD);
Dr. Lei Zhang, Professor, University of Maryland (Immediate past president and BOD);
Dr. Shanjiang Zhu, Associate Professor, George Mason University (BOD);
Dr. Sean Qian, Associate Professor, Carnegie Melon University (BOD);
COTA BOD Candidate - Dr. Guohui Zhang, Ph.D., P.E.

Dr. Guohui Zhang

Dr. Guohui Zhang, Ph.D., P.E.
Associate Professor
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Hawai’i at Manoa
Tel: (808) 956-2378
Email: guohui@hawaii.edu
Website: http://www.cee.hawaii.edu/faculty-staff-main-2/2-faculty/zhang/
Qualification/Background Information
Dr. Guohui Zhang is an Associate Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa. Dr. Zhang’s research focuses on large-scale transportation systems modeling and simulation, congestion pricing, traffic detection and sensor data analysis, and sustainable transportation infrastructure design and maintenance. Dr. Zhang has published nearly 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, conference papers, and technical reports and presented his research contributions numerous times at prestigious international and national conferences.
COTA Involvement and Contribution
Dr. Zhang has actively participated in various COTA activities. He has served as the Communication Chair, Academic Chair, and Vice President on the COTA Board of Directors (BOD) since 2016. He also served as the 2020/2021 CICTP Conference Program Chair, and the Organizing Committee Chair for the first COTA International Symposium Emerging Trends in Transportation (ISETT).
Envisioned Commitments/Proposed Activities
- Enhance the collaborations within and outside of COTA communities.
- Promote the participation of world-wide transportation professionals and students in COTA activities
- Increase the COTA visibility and footprint at prestigious transportation conferences, workshops, symposiums, and forums world-wide.
- Contribute to the development of the COTA Academic Affairs Committee and Technical Committee.
Dr. Yafeng Yin, Professor, University of Michigan (Member abd Past COTA President);
Dr. Shanjiang Zhu, Associate Professor, George Mason University (BOD);
Dr. Zhen (Sean) Qian, Associate Professor, Carnegie Mellon University (BOD).
2022 COTA Chair of Student Affairs Election - Candidates
COTA has Chair of Student Affairs vacancy to fill in. We have the following one eligible applicant:
Candidate Name | Current Position | Current Affiliate | Endorsement |
Shuyi Yin | PhD Student | University of Washington |
Dr. Xiaokun (Cara) Wang, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (BOD) Dr. Yafeng Yin, University of Michigan (MEM) Dr. Dr. Shanjiang Zhu, George Mason University (BOD) Dr. Yu Zhang, University of South Florida (MEM) Dr. Yinhai Wang, University of Washington (MEM) |
(BOD) - Current COTA Board Member (2021)
(MEM) - Current COTA Member (2021)
COTA Chair of Student Affairs Candidate - Shuyi Yin

Shuyi Yin

Shuyi Yin
PhD Student
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Washington
Tel: (650) 561-5205
Email: syin1@uw.edu
Qualification/Background Information
Shuyi Yin is currently a PhD student in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Washington (UW). He holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Environmental Engineering from Tsinghua University (2016), and two Master of Science degrees from Stanford University, in Civil and Environmental Engineering (2019) and in Statistics (2019), respectively. Shuyi now works as a research assistant in the Smart Transportation Applications and Research Lab (STAR Lab) at the UW, where he has worked on various projects, including an NCHRP project that updates capacity estimation methodologies in Highway Capacity Manual, and an FTA project that looks at how pedestrian detection and avoidance technologies reduce counts, casualties, and related liability costs of transit-related collisions. Shuyi is the author of one conference proceeding, and first author of one paper accepted for presentation at TRB annual conference. He has won several awards since his PhD studies, e.g., best paper award from 2021 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, and Mobility Track Winner (representing the STAR Lab team) in the MetroLab Network Student Cup.
Shuyi also assumes multiple leadership roles in social and academic services. At the UW, his roles include TA and predoctoral instructors for two Transportation Engineering courses, UW CEE Graduate Student Advisory Board (GASB) member on the Undergraduate Education Committee, the president of UW ITE Student Chapter, the lab manager of the STAR Lab, reviewers of several academic journals, and student members for IEEE and ASCE. In addition, in his spare time, Shuyi also volunteers in a free online course organized by Stanford University, where he taught students coding in Python during the COVID-19 lockdown.
Envisioned Commitments/Proposed Activities
Since my membership two years ago, COTA has significantly enriched my academic life and helped my career planning: its research lightning talks introduced state-of-the art research topics from my peers; its webinars discuss professional services and career paths; its E-news publishes new opportunities at journals and institutions. Benefiting from its services, I am highly motivated to contribute to COTA’s growth and to serve the community in return. My goal to accomplish as the chair of student affair is to build students’ participation even stronger and connections even tighter. More specifically, if elected as the chair of student affairs, I am committed to
- Encouraging peer exchange in COTA student members, by promoting COTA-sponsored student programs and activities;
- Strengthening connections between COTA student members and professionals/ faculties;
- Growing the body of student members, especially in transportation programs where Chinese faculties are rare;
- Collecting and sharing opportunities at COTA newsletters and E-news, and
- Helping organize COTA events, including conferences and webinars.
If elected, I will work closely with fellow members for COTA’s future success. Please don’t hesitate to contact me if there is any question for my application. Your support is highly appreciated.
Dr. Cara Wang, Associate Professor, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (President and BOD);
Dr. Yafeng Yin, Professor, University of Michigan (Member);
Dr. Shanjiang Zhu, Associate Professor, George Mason University (BOD);
Dr. Yu Zhang, Professor, University of South Florida (Member);
Dr. Yinhai Wang, Professor, University of Washington (Member);
Call for Nominations for 2022 COTA Board of Directors Election

Dear COTA Members:
The Board of Directors (BOD) of Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA) is seeking highly qualified candidates to fill in four regular positions and one student position on the BOD. The new positions will take effect on January 9, 2022 at the COTA BOD meeting in Washington D.C. during the 2022 TRB Annual Meeting. If you would like to be part of our BOD with strong commitment to contributing to the continuing success and growth of COTA or if you know someone who fits this description, please submit your self-nomination or nomination information to the 2022 COTA BOD Election Committee that consists of the following members:
- Jianming Ma, (Chair): mjming@gmail.com
- Wei Fan, (Member): wfan7@uncc.edu
- Jianwei Wang, (Member): wjwish@gmail.com
The 2022 BOD Election Committee is supported by the following staff:
- Ken Yang (Online Voting Manager): kyang2005@gmail.com
- Eric Ji (Online Voting Manager): ericji@umd.edu
All nominations must be received by midnight worldwide (12:00AM (UTC -11)) on Monday, November 1, 2021.
Each nominee must obtain endorsements from at least three active COTA Members, including at least one current BOD Member who is NOT serving on the election committee (http://www.cota-home.org/Organization_Board_Officers.html). Each nomination submission must include a written statement (no more than 2 pages) stating his/her qualifications, envisioned commitment and a headshot.
To be an eligible candidate for election, the nominee shall have maintained his/her COTA Membership in the last two years and have paid his/her 2021 COTA Membership annual dues by October 1, 2021. For other eligibility requirements, please refer to COTA Bylaws http://www.cota-home.org/About_ByLaws.html.
According to COTA Bylaws 4.1.1, “No more than one (1) candidate from the same organizational entity is permitted to run the election at one time. No candidate is allowed from an organizational entity that currently has an active BOD member who will continuously serve after the election. Association, at the judge of the BOD, is not eligible for election.”
The nominee will be informed whether he/she is eligible and becomes a candidate for the election by Monday, November 8, 2021. The election will be held online from November 15 through December 4, 2021.
For questions regarding the nomination or election, please feel free to contact the Election Committee.
The 2022 BOD Election Committee
Chinese Overseas Transportation Association (COTA)